The planets have a plan, and now you can plan according to the planets.
Learn how you should spend your time in the year ahead.
Understand why you'll feel the nudge to meditate more.
Know the best timing for your next retreat.
Don’t wait for the beginning of every month for the next horoscope articles to drop. Stop checking your app and start knowing ahead of time exactly what moves to make and when.
Apply astrological insight to help you stop striving and start THRIVING.
TheEnergy Almanac for 2023 is your complete easy-to-read holistic guide for the twelve months of the new year. With beautiful artful illustrations for framing, you can see at-a-glance exactly where you should focus your efforts.
Get twelve months of information broken into 52 articles that dive deep into each week
See exactly how the planets support your days, weeks, months-- then plan accordingly
Improve the timing of your movement by using the lunar cycle information
Know which gemstone will support your energetic alignment for the upcoming weeks
Profound articles on the topic of Food, Family, and Finances
Plant articles encourage your time in nature while being perfectly in sync with astrology
Know which specific essential oils to help balance and restore yourself…we’ll tell you which ones to use, when, and how
Exercise your body with the Almanac's fun monthly illustrations of trees in yoga poses
Experience contributions by a professional Human Design astrologer, gem enthusiast, essential oil specialist, a movement teacher, health coach, and a forward-thinking mindset coach
Enjoy beautiful illustration and graphic styling that doubles as framable pieces
Support your week through each moon cycle with the right tools
160 pages with many journaling spaces included
A link to all of our partner BONUS OFFERS!
The astrology of the year ahead has been decoded and wrapped up into one beautiful book to keep at your bedside, desktop, or altar. Don't guess anymore! Plan according to the planets.
Dieser doppelseitige umfassende Leitfaden für Fuß- und Handreflexpunkte ist Teil der Essential Knowledge-Serie und hilft Ihnen bei der Auswahl der Öle, die Sie an den Reflexpunkten an beiden Füßen und...
Inhalatoren eignen sich hervorragend, um Ihre bevorzugten ätherischen Öle mit sich zu tragen, ohne die Flasche nehmen zu müssen. Passt leicht in eine Handtasche oder Tasche und ist perfekt für...
The classic Symphony of the Cells™ Application Book and Body Systems Chart (2020 edition) has an all-new look! Symphony of the Cells™ is a collection of massage protocols formulated by Boyd...
Sie werden für diesen Pumptop-Spender, der in die doTERRA-Flaschen mit fraktioniertem Kokosöl passt, ewig dankbar sein. Dadurch wird das Befüllen Ihrer Rollerflaschen oder das Abgeben von Kokosöl viel einfacher, sauberer...
ADVANCED Oil Magic Series 5 is the one that EVERYONE should upgrade to! Series 5 has been updated with: ▶︎ ALL NEW LOOKSeries 5 boasts of a completely new look with a...
“Plants are Spirits having a Plant Experience.” You are invited to deepen your relationship and understanding of each essential oil on the emotional level with this much-acclaimed book Elements of...
Das erste in einer Reihe von Make-and-Create-Büchern, die darauf abzielen und Sie mit Rezepten befähigen, natürliche Pflegelösungen für die häusliche Pflege zu entwickeln. Das Essentially Clean Home-Rezeptbuch enthält über 40...
Do you carry your essential oils and supplements with you and want to ensure they're labeled correctly, or maybe you want to gift some to a friend and need to...